
Navigate identity and fraud topics with our collection of useful links

With the guidance of our fraud specialists and their hands-on experience working with government, credit, financial and advocacy organizations, we've brought together an exclusive collection of useful links you won't find anywhere else. In one place, we've made it easy for you to directly access information you need to know.

You are currently viewing resources. is the official website of the European Union. It is a good starting point if you are looking for information and services provided by the EU but you don't know your way around our sites. is de officiële website van de Europese Unie. Dit is een goed startpunt als je op zoek bent naar informatie en diensten die door de EU worden aangeboden maar niet erg vertrouwd bent met onze sites.

ENISA doet aanbevelingen op het gebied van cyberveiligheid, ondersteunt beleidsontwikkeling en -implementatie en werkt samen met operationele teams door heel Europa.

ENISA provides recommendations on cybersecurity, supports policy development and its implementation, and collaborates with operational teams throughout Europe.

OLAF onderzoekt fraude met EU-gelden, corruptie en ernstige misstanden binnen de Europese instituten en ontwikkelt fraudebestrijdingsbeleid voor de Europese Commissie.

OLAF investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption and serious misconduct within the European institutions, and develops anti-fraud policy for the European Commission.

Na een pilotfase van een jaar en een succesvolle evaluatie door de achterban en vakgenoten besloten de instituten van de EU op 11 september 2012 om een permanent Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-EU) voor de Europese instituten, agentschappen en organen in het leven te roepen. Dit bestaat uit IT-beveiligingsexperts van de belangrijkste EU-instituten, werkt nauw samen met andere CERTs in de lidstaten en daarbuiten, en met gespecialiseerde IT-beveiligingsbedrijven.

De Europese Ombudsman onderzoek klachten over wanbestuur en onderzoekt bredere systemische problemen met de EU-instituten.

Dit is de onafhankelijke gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit van de EU.

De Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens is de Nederlandse nationale autoriteit voor gegevensbescherming. Hun voornaamste taak is toezicht houden op de naleving van de privacywetgeving en adviseren bij nieuwe wetgeving.

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
Juliana van Stolberglaan 4-10

Postbus 93374

T +31 70 8888 500
F +31 70 8888 501

Fraudehelpdesk wil mensen beschermen tegen fraude en andere financieel gemotiveerde misdaden gepleegd in of vanuit Nederland. Het doel is burgers en bedrijven waakzamer en resistenter maken tegen frauduleuze activiteiten. Fraudehelpdesk verhoogt het bewustzijn van de gevaren van oplichting en fraude door hierover te informeren en hiervoor te waarschuwen via de website, Facebook en Twitter. De Fraudehelpdesk helpt slachtoffers van fraude door ze naar de juiste autoriteiten door te verwijzen. Dit bespaart hen de moeite om zelf te moeten opzoeken bij wie ze om hulp moeten vragen. Daarnaast kunnen slachtoffers van fraude er advies inwinnen, of doorverwezen worden naar overheidsbureaus of partners voor verdere assistentie.

Fraudehelpdesk is niet gemachtigd om onderzoek te plegen.

Fraude en schending van de integriteit De aanpak van (vermoedelijke) fraude en inbreuken op de integriteit zijn belangrijke functies van de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( Elke vorm van fraude of integriteitsbreuk is sociaal onacceptabel. Fraude en integriteitsbreuk ondermijnen het vertrouwen in de overheid. De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( staat daarom een actief beleid voor om fraude en integriteitsbreuk aan te pakken.

Vermoedelijke fraude kan anoniem worden gemeld; kijk op de website voor nuttige updates.

Het Europees comité voor gegevensbescherming (EDPB) is een onafhankelijk Europees orgaan dat bijdragen levert aan de consistente toepassing van gegevensbeschermingsregels in de gehele Europese Unie, en dat de samenwerking tussen de gegevensbeschermingsautoriteiten van de EU-lidstaten stimuleert.

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is an independent European body, which contributes to the consistent application of data protection rules throughout the European Union, and promotes cooperation between the EU’s data protection authorities.

This is the official website for the Australian government. This is a good starting point for locating general government and regulatory information.

The ACCC sets rules in relation to the Consumer Data Right (CDR.) This right improves consumers’ ability to compare and switch between products and services.

The Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration and looks into broader systemic issues with the EU institutions.

The EU's independent data protection authority.

After a pilot phase of one year and a successful assessment by its constituency and its peers, the EU Institutions have decided to set up a permanent Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-EU) for the EU institutions, agencies and bodies on September 11th 2012. The team is made up of IT security experts from the main EU Institutions. It cooperates closely with other CERTs in the Member States and beyond as well as with specialised IT security companies.

Neem telefonisch contact op met de Nederlandse politie, in een politiebureau of via het online contactformulier. Er is geen e-mailadres voor de politie.

Cybercrime and fraud can be reported to the police in the UAE or on their website Dubai Police - Home, the Dubai Police seeks to ensure the safety and security of all citizens and residents of Dubai and the UAE. It provides a service by which individuals can report suspicious or criminal behavior.

Dubai Police also have an Economic Crimes Combating Department. The Department can be contacted directly on +971 4 203 6341.

This Self-Service allows the public to record a complaint regarding cybercrimes, whether for their persons or for their properties. Note: This service is specific to crimes happened within the geographical scope of Dubai city.

Procedures linked to Dubai Government or the Federal Government (Dubai Electronic Security Center. - Telecommunications Regulatory Authority).

The Department responsible for implementation of the service (General Department of Criminal Investigation, Department of E- Investigation- Dubai Police Stations).

The Attorney General has launched a new smart application. This app allows the public to report crimes or suspicious activities on social networking sites which may disrupt national and/or social security, general order or cases that have a negative impact on public opinions. Note: the app is available on iTunes or Google Play.

The Dubai Financial Services Authority is the independent regulator of financial and ancillary services conducted in or from the DIFC.

The Securities and Commodities Authority is the regulator of securities and commodities within the United Arab Emirates (UAE), excluding the DIFC. It is responsible for ensuring transparency, integrity and justice as well as the development of investment awareness.

The Central Bank of the UAE is the regulator of banks and other financial institutions in the UAE, excluding the DIFC. The main responsibility of the Central Bank is the formulation and implementation of banking, credit and monetary policies to ensure the growth of the national economy of the UAE in a balanced manner.

Cifas is a not-for-profit fraud prevention membership organisation. We are the UK’s leading fraud prevention service, managing the largest database of instances of fraudulent conduct in the country. Our members are organisations from all sectors, sharing their data across those sectors to reduce instances of fraud and financial crime.

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

Netsafe is New Zealand's independent, non-profit online safety organization. Netsafe provides online safety education, advice and support for victims of fraud in New Zealand. If you think or know that you've been scammed, report it to your bank and to NetSafe's website. NetSafe will get back to you with advice and may also pass your report to another agency, such as the police or Consumer Protection.

CERT NZ supports businesses, organisations, and individuals affected by cyber security incidents. Contact us when you need to report a cyber security problem. You can report a cyber security issue through CERT NZ. CertNZ Website

Serious fraud, typically commercial-related, may be reported to the Serious Fraud Office The Serious Fraud Office investigates and prosecutes serious or complex financial crime so that New Zealand is a safe place to invest and do business.

A good starting point for most information and document replacement such as passport information, ID cards as well as health services and taxes.

The SIC (Superintendence of Industry and Commerce) is the Data Protection Authority in Colombia. It has the power to investigate ex officio based on complaints, alleged violations of data privacy and data protection rights of Colombian data subjects and of data subjects domiciled in Colombia.

The national Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration and looks into broader systemic issues.

Official cyber centre of the police department. Offers a list of the latest cyber incidents to be wary of, as well as an app you can use to report cybercrime. It also offers information on things such as fake news, phishing and skimming.

The Police Community of the Americas - AMERIPOL is a hemispheric mechanism of cooperation, whose purpose is to promote and enhance police cooperation in terms of technical-scientific facts, training, exchange of information and progress in terms of legal assistance to guide strategic and operational work against threats to public and citizen safety.

The National Privacy Commission is a world-class regulatory and enforcement agency upholding the right to privacy and data protection while ensuring the free flow of information, committed to excellence, driven by a workforce that is highly competent, future-oriented, and ethical, towards a competitive, knowledge-based, and innovative nation.

The Data Privacy Act of 2012 intends to protect the fundamental human right of privacy, of communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and growth. The State recognizes the vital role of information and communications technology in nation-building and its inherent obligation to ensure that personal information in information and communications systems in the government and in the private sector are secured and protected.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Data Privacy Act and stay updated with the latest updates from the National Privacy Commission.

OLAF, Expenditure - Operations and Investigations, Revenue and International Operations - Investigations and Strategy, Anti-Fraud Knowledge Centre, Legal Affairs, Resources and Partnerships

General Directorate and European Department of Financial Fraud and Financial Crime -
Report fraud, Request for general information, Inquiries from journalists, Visits, Search for a speaker of

Cyber ​​Alert, the police and government fraud website will file the details of your entire case and guide you through the next steps to resolve the case

Cyber ​​Alert, the police and government fraud website will file the details of your entire case and guide you through the next steps to resolve the case

Cyber ​​Alert, the police and government fraud website will file the details of your entire case and guide you through the next steps to resolve the case

Information about what Data Protection is, your rights and protection methods

Information about what Data Protection is, your rights and protection methods

Kredietdiensten voor consumenten

De Stichting BKR brengt de leningen van alle Nederlanders in kaart. Als je als consument een belangrijke financiële beslissing wilt nemen, kan het BKR geldverstrekkers inzicht geven in je huidige situatie en betalingsgeschiedenis. Het BKR doet dat voor alle Nederlanders. Het doet dat snel en geeft elke geldverstrekker exact dezelfde informatie. Zodra je ergens een lening aanvraagt, kan de geldverstrekkende partij op basis van de BKR-gegevens bepalen of het verantwoord is om je een (extra) lening te laten afsluiten. Zo helpt Stichting BKR de financiële gezondheid te beschermen van miljoenen Nederlanders.

Experian verzamelt informatie van consumenten en maakt die onder strikte voorwaarden beschikbaar aan zijn klanten. Aan de ene kant helpt het daarmee bedrijven en instituten om hun financiële risico's te beperken. Aan de andere kant gebruikt Experian die informatie om te voorkomen dat consumenten verplichtingen op zich nemen waaraan ze niet kunnen voldoen.

Kredietrapporten zijn gratis als aan bepaalde criteria wordt voldaan.

Betaalvereniging Nederland neemt deel in onderzoek naar betaalgedrag in Nederland en verzorgt communicatie en informatie voor alle vormen van Point-of-Sale, online en girale betalingen. De website bevat nuttige informatie en updates voor individuen en consumenten.

Credit bureaus

Equifax is a global information solutions company that uses unique data, innovative analytics, technology and industry expertise to power organisations and individuals around the world by transforming knowledge into insights that help make more informed business and personal decisions.

Illion is the leading independent provider of trusted data and analytics products and services in Australasia, with the company’s consumer and commercial credit registries forming an important element of Australia and New Zealand’s financial ecosystem.

Experian is a leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to our clients around the world.

Equifax is a global information solutions company that uses unique data, innovative analytics, technology and industry expertise to power organisations and individuals around the world by transforming knowledge into insights that help make more informed business and personal decisions.

  • Free credit report
  • Free credit score

At TransUnion we help businesses to build more productive relationships with existing and new customers and help people to take control of their own financial future. With offices throughout the world, we work with business across sectors including financial services, retail, utilities, public sector and insurance. Our deep knowledge base allows us to conceptualise and develop innovative new software that brings data to life in new and exciting ways. This means, whether you are at work or at home, with TransUnion you can be confident in the decisions that you are making.

  • Free credit report
  • Credit Karma - report, score and rating

Experian is a leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world.

  • Free credit score

Al Etihad Credit Bureau is a Public Joint Stock Company wholly owned by the UAE Federal Government. As per UAE Federal Law No. (6) of 2010 concerning Credit Information, the company is mandated to regularly collect credit information from financial and non-financial institutions in the UAE. Al Etihad Credit Bureau aggregates and analyzes this data to calculate Credit Scores and produce Credit Reports that are made available to individuals and companies in the UAE.

AECB opened in November 2014 to bring transparency to the lending industry by assembling a credit record of the nation’s financially active residents. It does this by harvesting credit data including loan, mortgage, credit card and phone bill payments.

The issuer of Credit Score in the UAE is Al Etihad Credit Bureau. This is a Public Joint Stock Company wholly owned by the UAE Federal Government., the score is calculated using 2,000 different factors including nationality, age, outstanding balances and the number of loans. The Credit Score number in UAE ranges from 300 to 900. A low score indicates a higher risk, whereas a higher score indicates a lower risk.

It will cost AED 105 to order a credit report with credit score.

Your Credit Report, from Al Etihad Credit Bureau (AECB), is a document that includes your personal identity information, details of your credit cards, loans and other credit facilities, along with your payment and bounced cheque history.

The information in your Credit Report is provided by banks, finance companies and telecom companies. Additional information from other sources such as utilities, real estate, government and other entities will be added in the future.

You can get your Credit Report anytime and anywhere using our online services. Select the report type from the options below, login or register and complete the payment. You will receive the report via email within minutes.

You can also download our App, available in Google Play and App Store. Alternatively, you can access our mobile app through Self service tablets, available in our Customer Experience Centers from Sunday to Thursday: 8:00am to 3:30pm.It will cost AED 84 to order a credit report for individuals.

Compuscan is a South African-based credit bureau that provides consumer and commercial credit reports within Botswana and other African nations. It was established in 1994 as a consumer credit bureau for microlenders. It operated as a central database of loans. Lenders rely on Compuscan to check borrowers to make sure they don’t already have an outstanding loan from another lender. It expanded into Botswana in the year 2000.

In 2005 Compuscan Botswana was established as a legal entity owned by Compuscan Holdings. This is the first-time mechanisms were introduced in Botswana that allowed lenders to keep track of the people who borrow from them and the risks that consumers run as a result. Experian acquired Compuscan in 2018 for $263 million.

Tel: +267 3981979
Email: [email protected]

TransUnion also operates out of South Africa. The African TU website defaults to South Africa. There does not appear to be an option to order a credit report online in Botswana yet. They supposedly keep details on over 400,000 customers in Botswana.

Credit Bureaus, South Africa is the ultimate Credit Report Guide for South Africa.

The only New Zealand-owned and operated consumer credit bureau set up in 2009.

Illion (Dun & Bradstreet) – date from 1841 – launched Credit Simple in NZ in 2016.

Equifax acquired Veda -NZ- in 2016. Provide Secure Sentinel as personal and identity cover.

  • Bahrain Credit Reference Bureau operates under the trade name The Benefit Company BSC (Closed), a company licensed as an Ancillary Service Provider by the Central Bank of Bahrain pursuant to Decree Law No. (34) for the year 2015 amending some provisions of the CBB Law and financial institutions promulgated by Law No. (64) of 2006.
  • The Bureau receives, maintains, analyzes and classifies clients’ credit information, in addition to preparing credit reports based on the provided information, and providing them to members of the Bureau upon request, in conformity with provision of this law.
  • The Central Bank determines the rules, controls and conditions of regulating the functions and services of the Credit Bureau.
  • Complaints: If your complaint is not resolved within the given time or if you are not satisfied with the solution provided by the Company, you will have the option to approach the Company’s Customer Complaints Officer through any of the following channels: Email: [email protected]/ Fill in the below Complaints Form/Post: The Complaints Officer, The BENEFIT Company, P.O. Box 2546, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • We will endeavor to acknowledge your correspondence within 5 working days and after investigation, provide you with a formal response within 4 weeks. In the event you are not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, please note you may escalate your complaint to the Compliance Directorate, Central Bank of Bahrain within 30 calendar days from the day of the response provided by the Company.
  • Branch Working Hours: Sunday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • The Central Bank of Bahrain ('CBB') is a public corporate entity established by the Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law 2006. It was created on 6th September 2006.
  • The CBB is responsible for maintaining monetary and financial stability in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is also the single integrated regulator of Bahrain's financial industry.
  • Making a Complaint: Customers of licensed financial institutions are expected to raise the matter first with the institution concerned, should they have a complaint about a service or product. The Central Bank of Bahrain reviews complaints to see if there have been any breaches of its regulatory requirements. It also monitors complaints received to see if there are any noticeable trends. Consumers should note that they are responsible for making sure they are clear up front about the contract terms of any products or services they obtain. To make a complaint by telephone, please contact the Consumer Protection office on +973 17547789.


  • The members of the Bahrain Credit Reference Bureau who are authorized by the law, and government agencies including Ministries and entities defined by the Cabinet’s Resolution to provide the Bureau with credit information of their clients, and other persons or entities who are obliged by the Central Bank to provide the Bureau with any credit information of their clients.

Credit Information Use Restrictions:

  • Credit information or credit reports may not be used by members of the Credit Bureau unless for the purpose of evaluating the credit status of the client with the aim of taking a decision of credit granting, renewal, reschedule or re-structure, or for the purpose of evaluating the credit status in other cases including sale of commodities or provision of services to any individual against guarantee of deferred payment.
  • The credit information can be used for statistics and studies purposes in a manner not reflecting the identification of the personality of the owners of that information.


Government Resources

myGov is a simple and secure way to access government online services.

Main portal, where you can find a listing of websites for governments in Australia.

Australia Post provides reliable and affordable postal, retail, financial and travel services.

The best place to find government services and information. Including:

Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now

As a constituent part of UK Finance, Financial Fraud Action UK is responsible for leading the collective fight against financial fraud on behalf of the UK payments industry. Our membership includes banks, credit, debit and charge card issuers, and card payment acquirers in the UK.

We know that growing older doesn't come with a manual. That's why we provide free information and advice to help you on topics as diverse as claiming benefits to care homes.

Fraud Prevention and Reporting

State and territory police services have responsibility for community safety and protection. They preserve the peace, uphold the law, prevent crime, provide assistance in personal emergencies and coordinate and manage emergency incidents.

The Australian Federal Police's role is to enforce Commonwealth criminal law, contribute to combating complex, transnational, serious and organised crime impacting Australia's national security and to protect Commonwealth interests from criminal activity in Australia and overseas.

The OAIC is the Australian national regulator for privacy and freedom of information. Their website provides an opportunity to learn about consumer data rights, make a privacy complaint, and more.

The ACCC sets rules in relation to the Consumer Data Right (CDR.) This right improves consumers’ ability to compare and switch between products and services.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) leads the Australian Government’s efforts to improve cyber security. Their role is to help make Australia the safest place to connect online. They monitor cyber threats across the globe 24 hours a day, seven days a week so they can alert Australians early on what to do.

This is a good starting point for locating general government and regulatory information.

South African Fraud Prevention Services (SAFPS) is a section 21 (not for profit) company which is funded by its member’s annual subscriptions. Its primary objective is to provide fraud prevention data-sharing services between organizations in the banking, retail, financial services, telecommunications, motor vehicle finance and insurance industries. From an initial membership of only two banks, the SAFPS now provides fraud related data to some 65 trusted brands in the South African economy. SAFPS has successfully prevented more than R8 billion in attempted frauds since inception.

  • Offer commercial reference in fraud prevention.
  • Through their additional free protective registration service, they assist in preventing members of the public from becoming victims of impersonation.

SAFPS aims to combat crime in South Africa through harnessing the power of the participation of major financial and retail organizations.

The data regulator in South Africa is called Information Regulator. The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (PPI Act) aims to promote the protection of personal information processed by public and private bodies by, among others, introducing certain conditions for the lawful processing of personal information so as to establish minimum requirements for the processing of such information.

The Information Regulator (South Africa) is, among others, empowered to monitor and enforce compliance by public and private bodies with the provisions of the PPI Act.

  1. Are there transfer restrictions of personal data to ANY (or all) third countries?
    Not listed on Trade Restriction list in Appendices
  2. Is there a requirement for businesses to register with the local data protection authority as a data processor, data controller or other in order to handle ANY personal data of residents and citizens of the country? Unknown
    Potential source:
    Note: May have to check the INDIVIDUAL DPA of the country to determine.

The South African Fraud Prevention Service (SAFPS) is offering a free protective registration service for innocent victims of impersonation. They can safeguard their identity, register lost or stolen identity books and passports, and monitor their own credit file through online services.

Registrations can be made here: 

  • Implementing laws and legislations that protect consumers’ rights.
  • Implementing policies that promote consumer protection according to consumer protection laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • Combatting commercial fraud according to the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • Conducting field surveys in the markets and conducting inspections across the kingdom’s
  • Commercial sector to ensure compliance with regulations. Convicting violators of these regulations, where required.
  • Receiving and responding to consumer complaints.
  • Holding awareness sessions over a variety of media channels for both consumers and the private sector, explaining their rights and obligations as detailed in the consumer protection laws.
  • Consumer Protection Hotline: (+973) 17007003 Or fax number: (+973) 17532180
  • You can also get all the information and awareness lectures and workshops related to the concepts of consumer awareness by sending a request to get information on e-mail: [email protected]
  • Bahrain eGovernment program has paid close attention to focus on “Delivering Customer Value through Collaborative Government” to ensure effective delivery of government services to citizens, residents, businesses and visitors (collectively our customers).
  • The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) has transformed more than 300 government services to online eServices provided to the customers through multiple delivery channels.
  • You can speak directly with one of our agents by calling the toll-free National Contact Center. National Contact Center: 8000 8001.
  • It is now easier to give your feedback. Communicate with us directly by simply log in via “Tawasul” is one of the essential eChannels that enable citizens and residents to submit their suggestions and complaints to any government entity in the Kingdom of Bahrain easily at any time and from anywhere. Every government entity in Tawasul has assigned a dedicated team to handle the suggestions and complaints according to a pre-set performance indicator and timeframe based on the case category.

Credit Products

TransUnion has a product called ID restore. It is part of 2 of their bundles, TrueIdentity and TrueCredit. TrueIdentity is offered at R99/month (R799/year). TrueCredit is offered at R40.35/month (R321.80/year).

Both bundles include Credit Alerts to help you protect against identity theft. Individuals can sign up online.

Compuscan offers monitoring with their MyCreditCheck product. Not much detail can be found on the service, but it allows the individual to stay updated by getting notifications from command control when credit information on the bureau changes. Fees aren’t indicated on the site. Individuals have to sign up online.

This product is not offered through a credit bureau. Identity Guard is a proactive privacy and identity theft protection service created by Intersections, Inc. They deliver premium solutions to help busy families and individuals take control over their personal and private information. As the need for information protection grows, they continue to provide comprehensive products that will enable consumers to react and help protect their personal information from evolving technological threats.

For R349.00 / year, Identity Guard’s Membership will give you the following features:

  • Identity Guard Credit Alerts. Receive SMS Notifications whenever a credit check is done on your ID Number.
  • Identity Guard Full Restitution Service.
  • Unlimited access to Credit Report & Score
  • Experienced forensic investigators. We assign a Forensic Investigator to you in order to rectify and resolve the incident. A full investigation is conducted whereby you as the member will be updated every step of the way of the progress and resolution of your investigation.

Experian offers a product called CreditExpert. CreditExpert offers fraud detection, monitoring alerts, ID verification and access to your credit report as frequently as you choose. It includes the following:

  • Credit Risk Rating. The rating system gives you an idea of how your credit history may influence the outcome of your application for credit.
  • Detect. Detect is used as protection for both you and the credit lender against application, impersonation and syndicate fraud. Detect checks the information supplied by you on the application against the information on Experian’s database. The Detect block will show the word “CLEAR” if there is nothing suspicious with your application. If Detect has found something that does not match, the word “WARNING” will show. If a Detect “WARNING” shows, then you should go to the end of the credit report to see the details about the Detect warning.
  • ID verification. ID Verification checks that the ID number that you have supplied on application matches your name. An ID number is considered to be verified if 1) it has been checked and validated by Home Affairs, and 2) the ID number exists on the Experian database.
  • If the ID number and name do not match the ID number and name on Experian’s records, the ID is unverified. The ID number will also register unverified if it does not appear on the Experian database.
  • Alerts. The Alerts functionality alerts you when you are not watching your credit profile on a daily basis. You will receive email, fax or SMS notifications, dependent on your preferred communication method, regarding changes to your credit profile. Get real-time updates whenever Experian receives changes to your contact details, occupation, payment profile, judgements, collections, etc.

Fees are listed individually on the website, but totals R41 monthly for all the services. Individuals can sign up online.

Credit report free and free file suppression for 20 days with option to extend. Free.

My Credit File service provides credit report free and alerts for NZ$70 per annum.

Secure sentinel available to existing customers – (no price available) - The Secure Sentinel service offers identity protection, monitoring and recovery, including:

  • Financial card registration
  • Identity watch – monitors black market websites blogs and chat rooms for personal information
  • Mobile phone registration
  • Key retrieval
  • Passport- cancellation, reissue and renewal reminder
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Important document and possession registration
  • Luggage retrieval
  • Fraud deterrent labels
  • Online vault
  • Change of address service
  • Global assistance

As New Zealand's leading and most comprehensive credit information company, we provide you with the most complete record of your credit history. Find out what lenders see and better manage your credit reputation.

Credit bureaus

Tiresias provides reliable information for the assessment of credit risks, both for banks and companies.

Teiresias is an expert in the collection and management of credit information and the development of credit risk assessment and credit scoring systems, the purpose of Teiresias is to protect transactions and support the credit institution. Respect for the rights of citizens and products.

Experian is a leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world.

Free Credit Score

Access to tax services (tax clearances, income tax, tax returns)

Here you will find electronic services and connections provided to citizens by the AADE with the multi-level and continuous assistance of the G.G.P.S. (Citizen Taxation, Business Taxation, Vehicles)
Here you will find electronic services and links provided to the citizens by AADE with the multi-level and uninterrupted assistance of the G.S.I.S. (Citizens' Taxation, Business Taxation, Vehicles)

OLAF, Expenditure - Operations and Investigations, Revenue and International Operations - Investigations and Strategy, Anti-Fraud Knowledge Centre, Legal Affairs, Resources and Partnerships

Cyber ​​Alert, the police and government fraud website will file the details of your entire case and guide you through the next steps to resolve the case